At Premium Quality Essay we strive to ensure that all your information is private and confidential. We do not disclose any personal information to third parties EXCEPT those details that are directly related with your assignments. Our writers are bound by the client-writer relationship that ensures that this information is restricted to a specific writer who is working on your order. We strive to ensure that one writer handles your paper. Personal information such as contact details are solely used for communication purposes.

Any violation of the privacy policy will be addresses accordingly. We encourage you to report any suspicious activity that indicates violation of privacy and we will address it. You can contact the customer support in case of any violation of your privacy. This website runs on secure system that is fortified to ensure that information is secured from any breaches. Be assured that your information will be kept confidential according to highest standards of privacy.

We do not charge for addressing queries and any complaints on originality, quality, and grammar. Nevertheless, we can assure you that none of such issues will go past our capable team of writers. We also check all the papers using the latest tools to check grammar and plagiarism. We guarantee the best and unique papers.