At Premium Quality Essays we writer papers from scratch. We understand that plagiarism is using other people’s ideas without acknowledging the sources. All learning institutions acknowledge that plagiarism in dangerous to academic life. It limits the development of new ideas. Our writers at PQE are required to write original papers. We also use up to date software to check for plagiarism.

We can also check pre-written papers for client to ensure that you present plagiarism-free papers. We are also keen to ensure that we hire competent writers. As policy, all paper will be scanned for plagiarism to ensure that they adhere to the latest standards and instructors’ expectations. Every paper will be accompanied by a plagiarism report.

Our editors will perform the final touches on the papers to analyse and correct the flow, coherence, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. You can also provide a sample of your paper, to ensure that the paper is customised to sound like you.